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Salesforce Technology Program

The Salesforce Technology Program (#SalesforceTechCamp) is a leading
multi-stage tech "camp" over the course of 12 months where teens will learn skills to help them navigate the world of tech and hands-on experience with specific tech applications relevant to the sports world.
Technology is a part of nearly every facet of our lives. The goal of this program is to bridge the racial inequality gap within the technology career path by exposing underrepresented minorities to the field of technology.
This program will include several 5-week courses over the next 12 months. To start, the program will be held online (not in person).
There are a limited number of slots for this program. Up to seven (7) YBS students will be selected to participate. Interested students must submit an application if they would like to participate. The YBS students selected to participate must commit to the program for the full 12 months, have a passion for technology, and be willing to put in 100% effort and engagement into the program.
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